
Vegetable Garden in November – What To Do In Yours

The leaves are falling, the pumpkins have been put away, and November is officially here! Whilst it can be a quiet month in the garden, there are still jobs to do. We’ve gathered up a list of things to do in the vegetable garden in November to keep you busy through this chilly month.

What To Do In The Vegetable Garden In November

Growing, Sowing & Harvesting

  • Dig up parsnips after the first frost. They are tastier after the first frost.
  • Plant autumn garlic.
  • If you have brassicas that have become top-heavy, then now is the time to stake them. Draw up soil around the base of the stems to prevent the wind from damaging them.
  • Plant raspberry canes.
  • Prepare and plant a perennial bed. These can be planted with both rhubarb and asparagus crowns.
  • If you have stored potatoes/garlic/onions, check them and remove any that have started to rot.
  • Plant currant bushes as they’re currently (pun intended!) dormant.
  • Divide herb clumps – see the previous post on “how to”.

Tidying & Maintenance

This is the big theme for this month. It’s a good time to get the garden ready for the forthcoming spring by preparing the space and keeping it well maintained.

  • Tidy up any strawberry plants by cutting off dead leaves and removing runners – you can pot these up to propagate the strawberries, they root so easily, and who doesn’t want more strawberries!?
  • Mulch beds before the first frost to lock in any summer warmth.
  • Spread fresh manure across the surface of beds if you feel like your soil needs a boast. This will rot down over winter and provide the soil with plenty of wonderful nutrients.
  • Consider placing a plank across the main access route of your plot. This will provide you access without compacting the soil as much.
  • Sweep up and debris and leaf litter. This can then be added to your compost heap.
  • For larger debris you can collect it up and have a bonfire. Make sure to double check for hedgehogs before lighting it!
  • Before the ground freezes make sure to give the soil one last good watering.

In The Greenhouse and Container Garden

  • Raise any containers onto feet to prevent water logging.
  • Insulate any outdoor containers from frost by wrapping in bubble wrap or other suitable insulating material.
  • Give the greenhouse a good cleaning if you haven’t already!
  • Be careful not to over water plants as we move into winter.

Other Things To Do In The Vegetable Garden In November

  • Put bird food out to encourage winter birds.
  • Clean out any water-butts.

To Conclude

Just because it’s getting colder out there doesn’t mean it’s time to get cosy! The vegetable garden in November is a time for cleaning and maintaining. It’s also important to make sure any tender plants are insulated, and that the last of the harvesting has been done.

What are you doing in the garden this November? Let us know and show us your photos on social media.
