
Get Moving!

This year we want to pay extra attention to our well-being and how getting out in the garden can benefit us in so many aspects of life. This month we are focusing on physical movement. as getting stuck into gardening can work wonders for the body (and mind). 

It’s common knowledge that exercise is good for you and it’s medically proven that people who do regular physical activity have up to a 35% lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. On the other side of the coin, the physical and mental illnesses that arise from our increasingly sedentary lifestyles have a growing economic and social cost.

The role that gardening can play in helping to keep us fit and healthy can sometimes be overlooked, and it’s part of our mission to get more people to experience the joys and benefits of this activity. 

Did you know that the number of calories burnt from 30 minutes of gardening is comparable to 30 minutes of playing badminton, volleyball or practising yoga? Gardening is an enjoyable way to get your blood pumping!

However, as with any physical activity, like running or weight lifting, there is the potential for injury if done incorrectly, so it’s important to care for your body. Here are some tips on how you can look after yourself whilst getting active in the garden!

💪Warm up – Stretch your hands, wrists, arms, and shoulders prior to gardening to decrease the strain of gripping, lifting, and pulling on these joints.
💪Choose the Right Tools – Tools with large rubber handles help reduce strain on finger joints when gripping. It is also recommended to select tools that are lighter in weight to reduce strain. Gloves with rubber can also help with gripping to reduce pain in hands and wrists when gardening.
💪Proper Form When Gardening – Improper form is a common cause of hand and wrist pain when gardening. Use ergonomic hand grips to decrease these incorrect positions.
💪Take Frequent Breaks – Set an alarm to remind you to take breaks every 20 minutes or so during gardening to allow the muscles and joints to rest.


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