
Vegetable Garden in September – What To Do In Yours

September is very firmly here! As soup season is being ushered in, you might be wondering – what about my garden? Well fear not! We’ve got a handy guide for what to do in the vegetable garden in September.

what to do in the vegetable garden in september

What To Do In The Vegetable Garden In September


  • Sweetcorn, pumpkins and marrows will be ready to harvest this month. However runner beans, peas, cucumbers and courgettes will begin to slow significantly.
  • If you have an abundance of veg, try drying, pickling, freezing and storing so you can benefit from them for longer. Who doesn’t love a good pickle?!
  • If you’ve been growing blackberries, apples, plums or other late summer fruit, now’s the time to get picking! Pick off rotting apple, pear, or plums to prevent the spread of disease.


  • Cover your brassicas with netting to prevent birds or pesky cabbage whites get them.
  • To ensure your pumpkins are Halloween ready, remove any leaves shadowing the fruits. You can prevent squash and pumpkins from rotting by raising them off the ground onto a piece of wood.

In The Container Garden

  • If you want winter salad, now’s the time to get planting. Plant rocket, mustards, muzuna, spinach and chicory in a large pot, sheltered place, or greenhouse.
  • Water any plants in the greenhouse early in the day to prevent soggy bottoms at night! A plant that is cool and damp at night can encourage botrytis.
  • Close greenhouse doors and vents to keep the heat in at night.
  • Ease off watering indoor container plants.
  • Raise pots off the ground to prevent winter waterlogging.

Other Things To Do In The Vegetable Garden In September

  • Weeding! Unfortunately September is like all the other months in that you’ll need to keep onto of darn weeds.
  • Get rid of diseased plant material by burning or putting in your household garden waste bins.

To Conclude

The temperature may have started dropping, but there is still a whole heap of things to be done in the vegetable garden in September. From harvesting those delicious late summer fruits to keeping on top of that all important weeding, you’re sure to be busy this month!

We’d love to see photos of your garden this month, so please send us your photos on social media!
