
Vegetable Gardens For Kids

Kids love anything that involves getting their tiny hands dirty! Digging, planting, and weeding are great activities for kids to be a part of. Plus, munching on all the exciting veggies they’ve harvested means they’ll be eating more vegetables! So, if you’re looking for some handy hits on creating vegetable gardens for kids, read on!

Chard orange fantasia
Orange Chard

The Kids Are Alright!

Being in the garden with your kids is not only a great opportunity to spend some quality time together, but it’s also a fantastic way of encouraging a sense of curiosity about nature. Children can learn about how plants grow, which bugs are good (and which are not-so-helpful), and where their food comes from. This hands on experience definitely beats classroom learning! A children’s vegetable garden is a wonderful sensory experience – they can explore the different colours, textures, smells and tastes of what nature has to offer.

Through growing their own plants children can develop a sense of achievement, and in turn boost their self esteem. All through planting some veggies!

Getting Ready

When creating vegetable gardens for kids, it’s important to consider accessibility. Try and create a space that they can access from all sides, this way they’re less tempted to walk across and compact the soil. A veggie patch that they can reach the centre of with their little arms is ideal!

Get your kids involved in the planning process! Help them to draw up a picture of the vegetable beds, then they can draw or colour in which vegetables can go where! They can label their drawings and then use it when it comes to planting.

What To Plant?

Vegetable Gardens for Kids Planting Ideas - Colourful Tomatoes
Tomato Colourful Tomato Collection

Choosing plants for a children’s vegetable garden is one of best bits! Get your kids involved and let them have a say in what they want to grow. Vegetables that are easy to grow are ideal. Here are some ideas of what can be planted in a vegetable garden for kids:

Vegetables that come in an array of interesting colours – yellow carrots, black radishes, stripy beetroot – are a fantastic way to keep kids enthusiastic. It’s also a great teaching moment, not all vegetables look like the ones in the supermarket!

Other Garden Tasks

It’s not just planting that children can get involved in. A children’s vegetable garden has just as many tasks as an adult’s one, and they can get involved at every step.

  • Weeding – help children to identify what is a weed and what isn’t.
  • Pest Patrol – identifying different bugs and whether they’re a helper or a pest.
  • Watering – maintaining their vegetable garden through watering, and learning when plants do and don’t need water.
  • Picking – the best bit! Children can learn when different plants are ripe, and most importantly, what they taste like!

To Sum Up – Vegetable Gardens For Kids

Creating vegetable gardens for kids is a wonderful way to get them to spend more time outdoors. They’ll be encouraged to learn more about the natural world, and develop a sense of curiosity about the food they’re putting in their tummies! They’ll find learning about bugs and weeds fun, plus you’ll get to spend some quality time together. It’s a big win all round for parents and kids a like!

Feeling enthusiastic and ready to get digging? Check out our range of vegetable plant plugs, and get that garden growing today!
