
How To: Grow Vegetables in Containers

You don’t need a sprawling garden or allotment to grow your on veg. You can grow vegetables in containers or pots, perfect for even the smallest space. It may seem counterintuitive, but many different varieties of veg will thrive in containers. So whether you want pots on your patio, or boxes on the window, read on for handy hints on how to grow vegetables in a container garden.

Grow vegetables in containers

Tips & Tricks for Container Gardening

  • Grow your veggies in the largest pots available
  • Don’t overcrowd them
  • Most plants like sun, so place your containers somewhere they’ll get about 6 hour sunlight a day
  • Choose a sheltered location for your pots if growing outside, this will keep plants out of cold, drying winds
  • On warm and sunny days it may be necessary to water plants twice a day

Preparing Your Pots

First thing’s first, you’ll need to get prepared!

  • Line your pots with gravel or pieces of broken pot. This will allow easy drainage and ensure your pots don’t get bogged down in wet soil.
  • Fill with good quality, sustainable potting compost.
  • If planting from seedlings (like our plant plugs) give them a little water before and after they’re planted.

What Vegetables Can Be Grown in Containers?

So, you want to grow vegetables in containers? You’re in luck! There’s a myriad of veggies that will be happy in containers. We’ve rounded up some of our favourites below:


Grow tomatoes in pots, grow bags, or even hanging baskets (makes a nice change from flowers!) Plant them in May, once the danger of frost has passed. Then keep them evenly watered and feed with high potash tomato fertiliser to keep them happy and healthy.


So whilst technically not a vegetable, herbs are a great way to dip a toe (or green finger) in and see if container gardening is for you! Grow them on a kitchen windowsill and jazz up your cooking in no time. Basil and coriander grow great on windowsill, and thyme, chives, mint, sage, and parsley will be happiest outside.

Spring Onions

Spring onions are fantastic to grow in containers as they don’t require deep soil, and they are super easy to grow. Sow them about half an inch deep, from March onwards. Then plant new ones every couple of weeks. They will be ready to harvest at about 8 weeks.


You’ll be able to say “Whats up doc?!” when you’re munching on your container grown carrots! That’s right, carrots will happily grow in a container! However, they do require deep soil. To plant, sow the seeds thinly, 2-3cm apart. You can sow them up until July. Ensure that they are not over watered, place them in a sunny spot and only water during dry periods – a soggy carrot is not a happy carrot!


Get fiery and plant some chillies! First sow the seeds indoors. Next plant them in 2 litre containers outdoors from May. If you’re not planting outside, chillies are happy on windowsills. The warmer it is, the hotter the chillies!


Because beans grow up, and not out, they make a smart choice for a container. Although they’re probably not something you want to try growing on your windowsill (unless you’ve got HUGE windows).

Plant beans in soil that’s 8 inches deep, space 5-6 inches apart. Don’t forget to stake the plants to ensure they’ve got something to cling onto.

For more info on how to grow beans, check out our blog post!

Growing Vegetables in Containers – Final Thoughts

Growing vegetables in containers is an easy alternative for those without large garden spaces. Many different types of plants will flourish in a container garden, so you won’t be limited when choosing what you want to grow. Whether you want to start simple and grow basil on the windowsill, or upscale to your own mini container allotment, growing vegetables in containers is a practical and simple way of growing your own!

Want some more ideas on what to plant in your container garden? Check out the “Vegetable Garden for Containers” section on our website!
