
What to do when your plants arrive!

planting vegetable plant

Wahey, your vegetable plants are here! Here is your basic guide on what to do with them immediately after they arrive. If you would like more specific information on each product, scroll down to section two!

Your vegetable plugs have been hardened off and are ready to go straight into the ground!

1. Unpack them. Your seedlings will arrive carefully packed in bio-degradable straw, cardboard and paper. They may look a little bit bedraggled from their journey. Don’t panic – this is totally normal and they should soon perk up. Please try and unpack your plants as soon as they arrive, as every extra hour they spend in the box will add to the stress of travelling to their new home.

2. Give them a drink. Having spent a day or two in the post, your new plants will be thirsty! Stand them up in some fresh water for a few minutes to make sure their roots have been thoroughly soaked before planting.

3. Plant them out into their forever home! Your plants can’t wait to get their roots into the soil. there is no need to separate the multi-sown plugs, simply pop them in the ground! Make sure you water them in well, and give them plenty to drink until their roots have had a chance to get settled.

How to find specific growing information on each plant

  1. Click the search icon in the top right corner of the website.

2. Type the name of the product that you want growing information for. Click on the product that you are looking for.

3. When you get to the product page, scroll down until you reach the tabs.

4. Click the ‘How to Grow’ tab! You will find basic planting and care instructions, along with common pests to look out for.

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